
State-of-the-Art Dental Facility in Orlando

Pinnacle is a dedicated team of dental professionals with advanced training in endodontics, periodontics, and dental implants. PINNACLE has served the Orlando area since 1995 as a trusted dental provider.

Our state-of-the-art facility includes an advanced centrifuge, a Carestream Cone Beam CT machine, an intraoral scanner, and the latest in Laser Periodontal Therapy (LANAP). We also use the highest quality biocompatible materials for all our procedures. We are the first practice in Orlando to offer 3D Assisted Endodontic Surgery. An advanced surgical technique that allows us to save teeth previously considered unsalvageable.

We can create a treatment plan whether you need gum disease treatment, a root canal, or any of our other services.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Surgical Microscopes

Our operating microscopes help us perform treatment with magnification and illumination. These microscopes are ideal for use during oral surgery, laser dentistry, restorative procedures, and other clinical procedures.

Ultrasonic Scaler

Ultrasonics help our skilled doctors with some delicate procedures. They can remove dental plaque, calcified tissue, and posts, and prepare the root-end for retrograde fillings.

Nickel-titanium Instruments

We use nickel-titanium instruments due to their superior flexibility and higher cutting efficiency compared to conventional stainless steel instruments.

Onsite Lab and Sterilization

Our patients experience faster turn-around time with our onsite dental lab. Our labs also use the latest techniques in sterilization for our patients’ safety.

LANAP Periodontal Laser

Our LANAP® (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure) Periodontal Laser treatment involves no cutting or sewing. This laser procedure targets infected tissue without hurting healthy gum tissue.


Platelet Rich Centrifuge

With the introduction of tabletop centrifuges, Pinnacle Endodontics, Periodontics, and Implants use this technology to harvest and produce enough quantity of platelets from only a small amount (10cc) of blood. The platelets are used to create Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). The blood draw occurs before the patient’s surgery, and the platelet separation only takes 15 minutes.

Carestream Cone-beam CT Scanner

We use an onsite cone beam (CB) CT scanner to create 3D images of your jaws and teeth. We use the images for many procedures from diagnosis to surgical planning.

3d Printer for Surgical Guides

Our in-house 3D printer allows us to create custom surgical guides for your surgery. We design the depth, diameter, and angle of the surgical guide based on cone-beam CT scan of your teeth.

Digital X-Rays

We use digital x-ray imaging to provide a snapshot of your tooth during each stage of your treatment. Our x-ray equipment is the latest and safest, designed to reduce exposure to radiation. We can also share the electronic records with your dentist or insurance company.


Not all our procedures need sedation, but we understand some patients need help to ease their anxiety. Our doctors are trained and licensed to provide sedation treatment. We are equipped to ensure the appropriate and safe use of sedative agents.