There are times that your orthodontist will collaborate with Dr. Dowling during treatment to ensure the best results for a healthy and beautiful smile. Your orthodontist may request periodontal surgery, or other treatments, for a better outcome. Dr. Dowling may also need to extract teeth to correct crowding, or surgically uncover impacted teeth.
Here are the most common procedures that your orthodontist may request Dr. Dowling perform.
Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (PAOO)
This procedure is an excellent option for patients wanting or requiring braces, but not the lengthy treatment time. It significantly decreases the treatment time, reducing 1-year of treatment to 6 months, and some patients have seen 2-years of treatments reduced to 6-8 months.
This procedure also enhances the range of movement, requires fewer permanent extractions, and reduces the risk of dissolving roots (root resorption).
Dr. Dowling creates a flap by separating the gum tissue from the bone. He creates small cuts into the bone to activate the bone and facilitate the orthodontic movement. Graft material may also be used to augment the surgical sites. After completion of the surgery, the orthodontic treatment can start.
To learn more about this procedure and schedule a consultation, please call us at (407) 532-9856.
Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADS)
In orthopedics, Temporary Anchorage Devices, or TADs, help achieve quicker tooth movement with more efficiency and comfort by using small titanium anchors. We use these devices in addition to braces or as an alternative to headgear.
This procedure involves placing small titanium anchors directly into the gums and jawbone — the TADS then act as an anchor point to assist with the movement of your teeth. The TADs remain in place for the duration of your treatment, with removal after you complete the treatment regiment.
Smiling woman with braces
The use of TADS offers a shorter treatment time, eliminates the need to wear rubber bands (elastics), and can make certain surgeries unnecessary.
To learn more about this procedure and schedule a consultation, please call us at (407) 532-9856.
Canine Exposure Surgery
Sometimes a tooth may develop in the wrong position and cannot break through the gum (erupt). If these teeth are left alone, they may push other teeth out of place, cause damage to the roots of nearby teeth, or develop a cyst. Your orthodontist may request Dr. Dowling to uncover the tooth and allow for movement to its proper position.
The procedure is a relatively minor surgery. Dr. Dowling creates an incision in the gum over the tooth and pushes the tissue back. Some cases require the removal of the bone surrounding the crown. After exposure of the tooth, Dr. Dowling will prep the tooth depending on your orthodontist’s requirements. The bonding of a button or plate to the tooth may occur, allowing the orthodontist can move this tooth into the appropriate place. Or in some situations, the doctor may stitch a pack made from gauze soaked in an antiseptic over the tooth.
Dr. Dowling can partner with your orthodontist to ensure that your treatment is as successful as possible. To learn more about this procedure, please call us at (407) 532-9856 to schedule a consultation.